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A Call-to-Action Guide

As an inbound marketing company in Brooklyn, we know that online shoppers are savvier and more knowledgeable than ever before. They have ready access millions of products at any time of day and night, and they’re good at finding exactly what they need and want.

That’s why perfect calls to action are so important to your success as an inbound marketer. A dynamic, appealing call to action can turn a browser or searcher into a loyal customer. It can create a sense of urgency and compel visitors to take the action you want them to take.

In this post, we’ll examine the methods successful inbound marketers use to create compelling calls to action. Here is a call-to-action guide to help you!

1 – Use a Free Trial

It’s hard to turn down something that’s free, especially if it’s something you’ve been wanting to try anyway. Free trials work especially well for companies that sell software as services.

The e-commerce website Shopify used the free trial call to action and enjoyed tremendous success. The company increased its revenue 10x within just three years, and they believe that much of their success came from offering a free 14-day trial to visitors. Could you offer a free trial of your products or services? Speaking of free, be sure to try our Free SEO analysis, and check out our awesome call-to-action.

2 – Offer an Ebook

Should you write an ebook? Many digital marketers have found that offering a free ebook is a great call to action, especially when you’re trying to get people to sign up for your email newsletters. When you offer an ebook for your inbound marketing strategy, you’re offering instant gratification. People probably came to your website looking for information, and they can leave with an entire ebook full of that information.

Make your call-to-action language as simple and positive as possible. Simply putting “Get ebook!” on a button will catch visitor’s’ attention and hopefully improve your conversion rates.

3 – Spark Curiosity

Your call to action may be more appealing to visitors if it evokes curiosity. What exactly is curiosity? It’s the desire to know. And you can use that desire to know to propel your potential customers forward and encourage them to take the next step.

Make your visitors curious by telling people what they need to know but not everything they need to know. Keep your answers and explanations short. Design your pages for conversions. Don’t lecture them. And hint at things instead of writing essays about them.

Provide interesting tidbits of information like industry news, insights into the competition, and new products and research. In other words, be seen as someone at the crossroads, a thought leader in your industry.

Be unexpected and develop unusual perspectives. Make them curious to know what your perspective is on a given topic. Stand out from the crowd in happy ways. Then they’ll always want to know what you have to offer.

4 – Identify the Problem, and Offer the Solution

Life is complicated, and sometimes it’s helpful to see your problem narrowed down to a few simple words. With your problem identified, you can quickly get to the problem. This is a tried-and-true formula for successful calls to action.

Here’s an example:

Dirty carpets? Get your carpets professionally cleaned before your family arrives for the holiday. Book your appointment now.

In this example, dirty carpets are the problem. The solution to the problem is getting the carpets cleaned before the holidays, and a way to solve the problem is provided: click on the button that allows you to schedule your appointment. It’s a simple formula, but it works well to convert your visitors into paying customers.


In conclusion, never miss an opportunity to include a tempting call to action on your website. Include them on your landing pages, your promotional banners, your sales copy, and your PPC ad campaigns.

Try offering a free trial as your call to action if possible. Identify your customers’ problems, and offer the solution. Consider using a free ebook as an incentive to get people to sign up for your email newsletter. And always spark curiosity to keep them coming back for more.

For more information about calls to action, get in touch with us at Park Slope Softworks. If you haven’t yet received a free SEO analysis of your website, sign up today!

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