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Guide to the Perfect Banner Ad

If you’ve been wondering how to increase ppc impressions, we’ve got a strategy for you. Too many businesses undercut their businesses by producing lackluster banner ads. With so many images, headlines, and videos screaming for attention on the Internet, your marketing efforts are in need of the perfect banner ad.

You can have all the right ppc settings and keywords in place, but if you don’t get people to click on your ads, you won’t reach your goals. In this blog post we’ll give you our best guide to the perfect banner ad.

Make it Compelling

Your banner ad should make viewers want to take action. One of the best ways to do this is to provide a clear shot of the product you want them to buy. It’s best if this image uses dynamic animation because animation catches users’ attention. Your banner should also be unified, and the title placement should be harmonious and attention-getting.

Keep it Concise

With so many ads and headlines vying for attention on any given web page, you’ve got to keep your message short and concise. Boil your ad down to its key points, and use the words your customers would use if they were describing the product.

Keep Your Branding Consistent

If you’re creating a series of banner ads, make sure your branding is consistent and clear throughout. If most of your banner ad images are simplistic and monochromatic, don’t throw in a banner ad that is complicated and colorful. This will confuse viewers and make them wonder if they’re looking at an ad from a different company.

Include Your Call to Action

What do you want people to do as a result of your banner ad. Do you want them to start shopping? Do you want them to sign a petition? Sign up for a time for a free, in-home estimate? Read your catalog? Your banner ad should leave no ambiguity as to what you want people to do with the information you’ve just given them.

With this background, we’re ready to turn our tips into a simple, three-step formula for creating the perfect banner ad. Here we go!

1 – Choose Your Logo

You probably have multiple versions of your logo that have been used on your website, social media accounts, flyers, invoices, and more. Choose the most appropriate logo for your banner ad. It should match your ad’s size, color scheme, and tone. If you don’t currently have a logo that works well for this particular banner ad, have a new one created.

2 – Choose Graphic Elements

You don’t have much room on a banner ad for multiple graphics, so be sparing in your graphic choices. If you are selling one product, feature just that one product. If you’re trying to spur viewers to action, use an image that spurs action.

Make sure your graphic elements are high quality and will look good on different devices. Again, keep you color scheme in mind, and consider how the images will look with your logo, your fonts, and your call to action.

3 – Construct Your Call to Action

The most important element in your banner ad is your call to action. Without it, your banner ad is just another piece of clutter on the screen. Your call to action should be positive and upbeat, and it should use an imperative verb. The following are good examples of effective calls to action:

  • Join free for a month
  • Get started
  • Claim your free trial
  • Go premium
  • Send me a coupon
  • Send a gift card
  • Talk to us

With these three elements, you can create the perfect banner ad for your next ppc campaign. For more information about using Google Adwords, ppc advertising, or to receive your free SEO analysisget in touch with us at Park Slope Softworks, your Brooklyn inbound marketing agency.

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