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How to Bring Attention to Your Blog Post

After working hard to publish interesting, timely blog content, the last thing you want is for it to sit there quietly attracting no views. At this point, there are nearly 966 million websites out there. That’s a lot of competition for traffic, but the sheer number of websites is not a reason to throw your hands up and give up on getting attention for your blog and your website. In fact, with the right strategies, you can increase traffic to your blog and capitalize on the ever-growing penetration of the World Wide Web. From an inbound marketing company in Brooklyn, here are a few ways how to bring attention to your blog post and attract visitors to your website!

Publish More

Hubspot did some research about the frequency of posting, and they discovered some remarkable results. Businesses that publish more than 16 posts per month get 3.5 times more traffic than businesses that publish 5 or fewer posts per month.

This is a simple, straightforward thing you can do to bring traffic to your blog: simply post more often. Start by posting twice a week, and if possible, increase to three or four times per week for maximum results.

Publish Longer Posts

Google is awarding higher rankings to posts containing more than 2,000 words. It can be difficult to publish long-form blog posts on a regular basis because they’re more labor intensive, but if you can mix some longer posts in with your regular-length posts, you may see your rankings improve. If you need some help figuring out what to write, be sure to check out our guide on how to come up with blog post ideas, or just contact your marketing agency.

 Research by Buzzsumo also found that articles with word counts between 3,000 and 10,000 get twice as many shares as articles with fewer than 1,000 words. Shares on social media have a significant impact on your blog’s visibility, so pay attention to factors that improve your showing on social media.

Guest Post on Other Blogs

Have you ever wanted to tap into other company’s or individual’s networks? You can when you guest post on other blogs.

 When you write a well-informed, interesting piece for another blog, you get to include a bio at the bottom of the blog post. That bio should include your company’s name and links to your social media and website.

Improve Your SEO

Keyword research and the regular use of market-targeting keywords will help you to gain more organic traffic to your blog posts. If your business serves a particular local area, be sure to include location-specific keywords to attract visitors to your blog posts who can actually visit your business. If you’re not sure how your SEO stacks up, get a free SEO analysis, and then make the changes necessary to boost your blog’s rankings.

Use Social Share Buttons

If you want to make it easy for visitors to share your blog posts, include social share buttons at the bottom and top of your posts. When sharing is as easy as clicking a share button, people are much more likely to post your content to their Facebook pages, Pinterest boards, and Twitter accounts. Check out our social syndication program to learn about sharing your blog posts!

And speaking of sharing, people share blog posts that they agree with or that offer information they think will be helpful to their contacts. Keep this in mind as you create your content.

Remember that your business blog is one of your most powerful tools for increasing traffic to your website. For more information about blogging, or to talk about any other inbound marketing concern, get in touch with us and be sure to check out our free SEO analysis!

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