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How to Improve the Open Rate on Newsletters

Email marketing has been around for many years, but it’s still one of the most effective ways to engage customers, and the returns on this marketing strategy are impressive. In fact, the average return for every $1 spent on email marketing is $44.00! With returns like this, you can’t afford to miss out. This one of the most important SEO resources, so learn how to improve the open rate on newsletters from a marketing agency!

But what can you do to improve open rates and ensure that your email marketing leads to lead nurturing? Try the following ideas. from your local inbound marketing company in Brooklyn.

Write an Intriguing Subject Line

Think about what kinds of email subject lines are appealing to you personally. Your subject line is the best tool you have for getting people to open your email newsletter. It’s the first thing they see, but if it’s boring or spammy, it may be the only part of your email they’ll see. Make your subject line casual, personal, original, and inviting, and then test and optimize it with A/B testing.

Send Emails from a Person, Not a Company

Any marketing company will tell you, getting an email from  a company is generic and uninteresting, so avoid putting your company name as the recipient. Instead, designate your recipient as an actual individual in your organization. Not only is this more personable and friendly, but it makes your emails much more likely to be opened.

Avoid the Spam Filters

Including certain words in your subject line might get your email caught in spam filters. The last thing you want to do is have your carefully crafted email newsletter sent right to your prospects’ spam folders. Words like “sale,” “free,” and “deal” are spam bait, so try to use these words sparingly. Also, resist the temptation to write your subject line in all caps.

Reflect Your Brand

Your email newsletters should reflect your branding just as much as your website, logo, and other marketing material. Use the same tone and topics in your email newsletters that you do everywhere else. Also, make sure your content is high-quality. If your readers find it interesting and informative, your open rates will improve dramatically. If you have to choose between high-quality content and less frequency, choose high-quality content every time.

Segment Your List

If you can segment your list by purchase, industry, or other key factors, you can customize your message for specific groups of people. This allows you to send highly relevant content, which improves open rates and helps you to engage prospects more effectively.

Time Your Delivery

Certain times are better than others for sending your email newsletters. For example, most people are very busy right at the beginning of their workdays, so avoid sending your emails then. Instead, shoot for mid-week afternoons. If your email newsletter is promoting a specific event, time its delivery so you catch people close enough to the event that they still have time to plan for it but not so far in advance that they forget about it. Learn the anatomy of an effective landing page to help you construct the right landing page for your email marketing camapign.

Do you have any tips to share about how to improve open rates for email newsletters? Please share your best tips in the comments! Contact us if you want to get a free consultation, from your local Brooklyn marketing agency.

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