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Tips for Writing Web Content

How is your business website doing? Would you like to improve your digital marketing in the coming year? One of the best things you can do to attract and retain visitors to your website is to improve your web content.

We’ve all had this experience: you’re looking for a critical piece of information, so you Google it. You check out one of the highest ranking search results and as soon as you start reading the page, you realize you’ve been tricked. The writing stinks, and it barely makes sense. How did a web page like this get ranked so highly?

Here’s how. Some people are very good at figuring out search engine algorithms and can create programs that will “write” content that fits the algorithms like a glove. It can be tempting to use strategies like this to bump up your search engine results.

The problem is that your visitors soon figure out they’ve beeBron duped, and then they leave and don’t return. Not only that, but search engine algorithms change regularly. What works today is not guaranteed to work next year.

So what’s the answer? The best thing you can do is to write compelling, high-quality web content that offers real value to your visitors and will keep them coming back for more. Here’s a few tips for writing web content:

Put the Most Important Information First

People don’t read web content the way they read books. They’re looking for answers, and they want their answers fast. That’s why it’s important to put your most important information first. Include your keywords early on in your web content, and then add less important details later. If someone is really intrigued with the piece, they’ll read it all the way through and then click on one of the links that you include at the end. Be sure to include numbered lists in your blog.

Be Straightforward

In most cases, web writing isn’t the best place for extended metaphors and creative phrasing. Again, people are looking for quick fixes and important information. Give it to them straight. Use more short sentences than you would if you were writing an essay or even a business letter. It’s also helpful to avoid jokes unless you’re very sure that your intended audience will understand them.

Use Familiar Vocabulary

Unless you’re writing for an industry-focused audience, use vocabulary that is easily recognizable to the general public. Avoid jargon and unnecessary words. Go for the good old-fashioned Anglo Saxon words: “cheap” instead of “expensive,” “babies” instead of “infants,” and “ask” instead of “inquire.”

Write For New Visitors

You never know which page a website visitor will land on first. A website isn’t read like a book where there’s a first chapter, a second chapter, and eventually an index. They will have Googled a keyword and ended up on your website based on their search. They might first land on your “About” page, on a blog post, or even on your “Contact” page.

That’s why it’s important to keep in mind that each page should orient your visitors. Make each page easy to scan by including subtitles and important keywords. Each page should explain where they are and what the site is about.

And perhaps most importantly for marketing purposes, each page should include a call to action. That call to action could be as simple as reading another blog post. You might want to ask visitors to sign up for your email newsletter, download a white paper, request a quote, or add a product to their shopping carts. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Don’t Forget the Visual Impact

As you write your web content, think about how your text will look on the screen. Readers are more likely to want to read your writing if they see white space, subheadings, shorter paragraphs, and images or videos.

Attention spans are not what they used to be, and images play an important part in web content today. Consider how you can use images and videos to enhance your messaging and attract visitors’ attention.

For more information about writing web content, or to talk about any other digital marketing concern, get in touch with us at Park Slope Softworks. We’re your Brooklyn digital marketing company, and we’re here to help. be sure to check out our free SEO analysis!

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